Microsoft Azure

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Microsoft Azure is used by
95% of Fortune 500 companies

Be future-ready without increasing budgets
Leverage IT security with Prerana Consultancy
Unlimited flexibility
Accelerate innovation

Be future-ready without increasing budgets
Microsoft Azure services (formerly known as “Windows Azure”) is the future of Cloud services. It offers far more than hosting. Core server functions have been presented “as-a-service” so organisations no longer need to maintain servers and back-office applications, reducing costs and providing functional enhancements.

Those organisations that truly leverage the power of Microsoft Azure services can be more agile, innovative and secure, without increasing IT budgets.

Leverage security with Prerana Windows Azure services offer a wide gamut of IT security and compliance capabilities however, benefiting from these IT services can be complex.

The majority of Prerana staff are Windows Azure qualified, whether that be design & architecture, delivery or management & IT support, and the advanced security features have been integrated into our APEX® platform (built on ServiceNow) to enhance many IT support processes and provide clients easy access to these capabilities.

Protect your data, infrastructure and apps with advanced security intelligence and dramatically reduce risks within your organisation.

Unlimited flexibility A core tenet of Microsoft Azure is its flexibility and almost limitless scale. And for those international client’s their IT infrastructure can be deployed anywhere in the world; close to the user-population to provide an excellent user-experience, or within particular legal boundaries to ensure adherence to specific regulations.

Backup, disaster recovery and high-availability are built into many of the Azure services freeing up IT resources to focus on innovation and developing value.

Accelerate innovation Windows Azure includes a wide range of IT services all carefully built to meet a range of organisational challenges. The interoperability of these services provides allows complex solutions to be built with relative ease.

Solutions can be designed in a development environment, tested, then moved to production without any impact to existing workloads or the user population.

And charges are OPEX and represent consumption, therefore organisations are only paying for what they need today.